The run in

Hey guys n gals… we’re on the run in to Christmas!

This weekend coming we’ll be playing as part of “That’ll be the night” with Victorian band Sweet Rock. Over 300 have booked tickets for what will be a great evening of dancing. Can’t wait for that one! We have weddings to attend this month too. Very good friends of ours have asked us to play a couple of sets to help them celebrate and celebrate we shall.

December will be busy with a trip to Sale early on, and then we have our very own Christmas show on the 13th. The 14th sees us at Largs Bay as part of the street fair, and then the 19th we’re on the street at Freeling for their Christmas show. NYE we’re back up in sunny QLD with the gang at Breakaways. Privileged to be a part of that night with a great bunch!

We’re coming off the back of 2 great months for the band and we’re very excited about our future. Interstate gigs, overseas gigs, writing our 3rd album… what a life! Loving it right now!

We have other news coming up soon, so stay tuned and keep rocking!