Camperdown and The run to Christmas

Wow… just got back from Camperdown where we were fortunate enough to play with some of the cream of Australian Rock n Roll / Rockabilly bands. What an amazing weekend. If you haven’t been before, lock it in for next year, or get along to The Ballarat Beat in Feb 2014 for another great rocking festival… you won’t regret it.

We had one of our best shows on Sunday at The Clock Tower with a couple of hundred folk crammed on to the street / dance floor. Sold out of all of our CD’s in 30 minutes (All that we took anyway… 70+) and got an amazing reception and huge cheer when we’d finished. Hmmm… Maybe it was because we’d finished lol. Either way, we are very excited about the way the whole weekend went. A very well organised and super cool event.

Some very cool gigs coming up to finish the year off… check our upcoming gigs page for locations and our facebook page for full details.

We have new songs being added to the list all the time and we are planning to record our next CD early next year. Our new CD is going to rock the socks off the last one. Watch this space for details.

Over and out!

Victor, Semaphore, Camperdown… and much more!

Where to begin… What an awesome few weeks we’ve just had. Our heads are still spinning. Victor Harbor was a blast. We kicked off our participation earlier than expected due to one band pulling out, so we stepped in to provide backing for local rock n roll icon TJ. The Saturday morning show went off with the crowds loving every minute of it, and a nice full dance floor was the proof in the pudding.

Saturday night at the local school was a sell out and was a lot of fun. We had the dancers dancing the night away as did DJ Midnight Rocker, who is the master on the decks when it comes to rockabilly / rock n roll. Then Sunday afternoon on the main stage was quite simply electric. We came off buzzing with the atmosphere, which was so charged that my hair was standing on end. Oh wait a minute… it’s usually standing on end, but that’s due to pomade and hair spray lol. It was a great weekend of rock n roll and we were once again thrilled and privileged to be a part of it.

We even got our first hit out at Adelaide Rock n Roll clubs on the Tuesday night “Club Night” and couldn’t believe our eyes to see so many people there. It was packed! Surely not… after a huge weekend at Victor Harbor, the crowds were still there bopping away. You guys are great. We are so lucky to have such awesome crowds at our shows and believe me when I say we love you guys for it.

Then… just when you think you’ve seen it all, we get a massive response at The Semaphore Music Festival. A huge turn out to see some great bands, but to see so many of you dancing to our music once more was out of this world. Proud to be part of such a great day amongst such talent. Somebody is seriously going to have to pinch me so I know it’s really happening!

We have a couple of shows coming up before we finally head off to Camperdown for our first hit out there with the big guns. This coming weekend (12th) we have a sell out show with Raunchy Sugar, then the next weekend (19th) we are at The Kapunda Music and Arts Festival on the main stage, Saturday night. Camperdown is our last interstate show this year, but next year we already have 6 lined up and possibly more. Fingers crossed.

No sooner do we get back from Campderdown… the following week we are playing as part of the Dia De Los Muertos Festival here in Adelaide… another huge night with local and interstate talent filling the stage (and of course the dance floor) all night long.

Don’t forget to keep a close eye on our facebook page. That is the one that updates most often, and most of our advertising for upcoming events is put there first. Our December 7th show with TJ and The Twinspinners sold out in no time at all through Facebook, so that is the place to be if you want to keep up to date with all things Lincoln.

Thanks guys. See you all soon.

Lee Lincoln.